15th August 2018

Cinematography Techniques

– Mise en Scene: Arrangement of scenery, props in a film in frame. These all have a hidden meaning.

– Lighting: How different lighting is set up to describe different choices and ideas. Creates an atmosphere centred around the object or an idea. High-key and low-key lighting. High-key is light daytime light, which has a filler on it to make the scene look different. Low-key is more of a natural, darker and shadowy light.

– Symbolism: A physical representation like an object or idea, used to create persuasive thought to the viewer.

– Camera Shots: Are used to create an emphasis. E.g. An establishing shot is to introduce the viewer to the scene/setting of the movie, and sometimes it’s characters.

– Sound: Used to create tension in a scene. Is also used to express emotions, actions etc of the plot. Diegetic sound – Seeing where the sound comes from. Non-diegetic sound – Sound that cannot be seen.

– Dialogue: Is a piece of speech that is used to further express an idea or elaborate on the plot of the film.

– Voice Over Narration (first person, omniscient and limited): Used to inform the viewer of a moment that has already happened but is not shown visually. Makes the ready feel like they know the film well from the get-go. Gives the viewer an insight of what the character is thinking, something that other characters in the film might not know

– Music: Music is sometimes used to foreshadow something that is going to happen e.g. a build up of music means that something good or bad is going to happen

– Montage: A technique in the film where a series of shots are edited into a sequence to shorten time and information.

– Flashbacks: Also informs reader of things that have happened in the past. Usually these are done very quickly to create a feeling of something bad or good that has happened. These also usually have a tone or color on them to inform the reader that it is something that has happened in the past.

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